Mouse Antibody
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AbstractThe article addresses many questions related to mouse antibodies, antibody isotypes and isotyping, and antibody molecular weight. Mouse antibody isotypes/classes, subclasses and mouse antibody isotypingThere are five antibody isotypes (IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, and IgM) from mice, same as humans. Each isotype has a different heavy chain. Isotypes are also called classes. Another name for antibodies is immunoglobulin, hence the suffix of \'Ig\' to designate antibody classes and subclasses. Naive B cells produce IgM and IgD. During B cell maturation, through isotypic switching, a mature B cell will produce one of IgG, or IgA, or IgE isotypes and subclasses. Different isotypes have different half-lives in vivo, ranging from 12 hours to 8 days [1]. Figure 1. BALB/c mouse, a common mouse strain for mouse monoclonal antibody development. Courtesy of The Jackson LaboratoryMouse isotype genes Each heavy chain is formed by variable and constant regions. The constant regions have been designated as distinct genes, although they only form part of the immunoglobulin heavy chain. Table 1 lists mouse antibody classes, subclasses, gene names, and links to NCBI and IMGT gene databases. IsotypesSubclassesNCBI geneIMGT geneIgA IGHA IgD 380797 IGHD IgE IGHE IgG IgG1 16017 IGHG1 IgG2a 380793 IGHG2A IgG2b 16016 IGHG2B IgG2c 404711 IGHG2C IgG3 IGHG3 IgM 16019 IGHM Table 1. Mouse isotypes/classes, subclasses and their genes. For IgG2a and IgG2c isotypes: inbred mouse strains with the Igh1-b allele have IgG2c isotype instead of IgG2a [2]. The murine heavy chain locus has only one of these two isotype genes in addition to the other isotypes. Figure 2. IgG, IgE, IgD, IgM, and IgA schematic representations. Mouse antibody isotypes in Labome antibody databaseLabome antibody database organizes antibody products from over 100 high-quality suppliers. Many of them provide monoclonal antibodies generated from mice. Table 2 list a few examples of commercial antibodies, indicating antibodies are available with different isotypes.IsotypeExamplesIgA CD36, Sm proteins IgE ovalbumin, CD3 IgG1 cytokeratin, TLR4/MD-2 IgG2a Toxoplasma gondii, CD45, GATA-4 IgG2b histone H3, FAM3B, PD-L1 IgG2c CD209a IgG3 cadherin, cortisol IgM CD15 Table 2. Examples of research antibody reagents with different mouse isotypes.Human, mouse, rabbit, and other animals have different sets of isotype and subclass genes. Table 3 lists the different sets of isotype and subclass genes in some of the commonly used animal species in laboratories. IgG2a is absent in certain mouse strainslike C57BL, SJL, and NOD mice, which have IgG2c [3]. SpeciesIsotypesmouse IgA IgD IgE IgG1, IgG2a/IgG2c, IgG2b, IgG3 IgM Norwegian rat IgAIgDIgEIgG1, IgG2a, IgG2b, IgG2cIgM human IgA1, IgA2 IgDIgEIgG1, IgG2, IgG3, IgG4IgM rabbit IgA1, IgA2, IgA3, ... IgEIgGIgM goat IgAIgEIgG1, IgG2IgEIgM chicken IgY Table 3. Different animal species have different sets of antibody isotypes and subclass genes. The importance of antibody isotypesAntibody isotypes in vivo are very important in immune responses and effector mechanism. Mouse IgG isotypes are important to the biological functions of the immunoglobulin in vivo as well. Mouse IgG isotypes displayed marked differences in bactericidal (IgG3 >> IgG2b > IgG2a >> IgG1) and opsonophagocytic (IgG3 > IgG2b = IgG2a >> IgG1) activity when reacting with the P1.16 epitope on the outer membrane PorA protein of Neisseria meningitidis [4]. The establishment of mouse gut microbiome is likely enabled through mucosal IgA [5]. Human IgG subclasses differ in the size of their hinge regions and display different levels of spatial tolerance for the bivalent binding, with IgG3 having the longest amino acid hinge region and exhibiting the most flexible bivalent binding [6]. Human IgG1 to IgG4 subclasses are named after their serum prevalence [7]. Most antibody users seem to be not particular about the antibody classes and subclasses, this is especially true in western blot and immunoprecipitation. However in double labeling experiments and flow cytometry runs, such as in the case of secondary antibodies, the classes/subclasses should be considered (see Labome secondary antibody review for an in-depth discussion). As a side note, a number of monoclonal antibody therapeutics such as Eculizumab and Pembrolizumab are human IgG4 (mouse does not have IgG4 isotype). Maun HR et al, for example, humanized mouse and rabbit anti-tryptase variants as IgG4 antibodies [8]. Compared to IgG1-3, IgG4 Fc does not activate complement cascade, and binds to Fc receptor with intermediate affinity. Its unique structural properties have been identified [9]. In addition, increased concentrations of human serum IgG4 are associated with specific diseases such as autoimmune pancreatitis [10]. Complement activation can also be minimized through specific mutations in IgG1 [11]. Method Supplier Catalog number Sample reference block/activate Invitrogen 16-0037-85 [12, 13] block/activate Bio X Cell BE0036-5MG [14, 15] block/activate BioLegend 302902 [16, 17] block/activate R&D Systems MAB17781 [18, 19] block/activate Abcam ab17044 [20, 21] block/activate Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-6251 [22, 23] ChIP Abcam ab1220 [24, 25] ChIP MilliporeSigma F1804 [26, 27] ChIP Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-126 [28, 29] ChIP Novus Biologicals NB100-124 [30, 31] ChIP Active Motif 39097 [32, 33] ChIP BioLegend 664906 [34, 35] ChIP Invitrogen MA1-12692 [32, 36] ChIP R&D Systems PP-A8620A-00 [37, 38] ChIP-Seq Abcam ab1220 [39, 40] ChIP-Seq MilliporeSigma F1804 [41, 42] ChIP-Seq BioLegend 664906 [43, 44] ChIP-Seq Bio-Rad MCA1360 [45, 46] ChIP-Seq Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-126 [47, 48] ELISA Invitrogen M700A [49, 50] ELISA BioLegend 803017 [51, 52] ELISA MABTECH 3420-3-1000 [53, 54] ELISA Bio-Rad MCA1659 [55, 56] ELISA Hytest 4C28-C2 [57, 58] ELISA Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-136468 [59, 60] ELISA Abcam ab66189 [61, 62] ELISA Abnova H00007178-M06 [63, 64] ELISA Enzo Life Sciences ALX-801-090-1 [65, 66] ELISA MilliporeSigma A8354 [67, 68] ELISA R&D Systems MAB2814 [69, 70] ELISA Sino Biological 11973-MM05T-H [71, 72] EMSA MilliporeSigma F1804 [27, 73] EMSA Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-8008 [74, 75] FC BioLegend 109843 [76, 77] FC Invitrogen 14-5825-82 [78, 79] FC Miltenyi Biotec 130-090-422 [80, 81] FC Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-5279 [82, 83] FC Enzo Life Sciences ALX-804-806-C100 [84, 85] FC R&D Systems FAB6561P [86, 87] FC MilliporeSigma A2547 [88, 89] FC Novus Biologicals NB600-235 [90, 91] FC Abcam ab10214 [92, 93] FC Bio-Rad MCA1774GA [94, 95] FC Bio X Cell BE0036-5MG [15, 96] FC LifeSpan Biosciences LS-B2237 [97, 98] FC MABTECH 3465-7 [99, 100] FC StressMarq Biosciences SMC-154D [101, 102] FC Synaptic Systems 311 011 [92, 103] IC Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-5279 [104, 105] IC BioLegend 801202 [106, 107] IC MilliporeSigma T6557 [108, 109] IC Invitrogen 33-9100 [110, 111] IC Abcam ab7817 [112, 113] IC R&D Systems MAB2018 [114, 115] IC Synaptic Systems 104 211 [116, 117] IC Enzo Life Sciences BML-PW8810-0100 [118, 119] IC LifeSpan Biosciences LS-C49111 [120, 121] IC Novus Biologicals NB100-105 [122, 123] IC Bio-Rad MCA5780GA [124, 125] IC Abnova H00001070-M01 [126, 127] IC Active Motif 61017 [115, 128] IC GeneTex GTX70212 [129, 130] IC ImmunoStar 22941 [131, 132] IC Miltenyi Biotec 130-090-422 [133, 134] IC Rockland Immunochemicals 200-301-400 [135, 136] IC MyBioSource MBS120432 [137, 138] IC Alomone Labs ALM-051 [139, 140] IC OriGene TA150041 [141, 142] IC StressMarq Biosciences SMC-140D [143, 144] IHC Invitrogen MN1020 [145, 146] IHC MilliporeSigma G3893 [147, 148] IHC BioLegend 801201 [149, 150] IHC ImmunoStar 22941 [151, 152] IHC Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-56 [153, 154] IHC Bio-Rad MCA341R [155, 156] IHC Abcam ab51502 [157, 158] IHC Novus Biologicals NB100-105 [159, 160] IHC Synaptic Systems 131 011 [161, 162] IHC Enzo Life Sciences ADI-VAM-PS003-F [163, 164] IHC Dianova DIA-H09 [165, 166] IHC R&D Systems MAB1195 [167, 168] IHC GeneTex GTX71935 [169, 170] IHC LifeSpan Biosciences LS-C18692 [171, 172] IHC Active Motif 39763 [173, 174] IHC OriGene TA503316 [80, 175] IHC Sino Biological 10084-MB55 [176, 177] IHC-F BioLegend 801202 [178, 179] IHC-F MilliporeSigma G3893 [180, 181] IHC-F Invitrogen A-21271 [182, 183] IHC-F Abcam ab51502 [184, 185] IHC-F Bio-Rad MCA341R [186, 187] IHC-F ImmunoStar 22941 [188, 189] IHC-F Synaptic Systems 147 011 [190, 191] IHC-F Enzo Life Sciences ADI-VAM-PS003-D [192, 193] IHC-F LifeSpan Biosciences LS-C49111 [194, 195] IHC-F Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-32251 [196, 197] IHC-F R&D Systems MAB1195 [198, 199] IHC-F Abnova H00001406-M02 [200, 201] IHC-F Novus Biologicals NB100-132 [202, 203] IHC-Free Invitrogen MN1020 [204, 205] IHC-Free MilliporeSigma G3893 [206, 207] IHC-Free BioLegend 803001 [208, 209] IHC-Free ImmunoStar 22941 [210, 211] IHC-Free Abcam ab51502 [212, 213] IHC-Free Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-17839 [214, 215] IHC-Free Synaptic Systems 131 011 [216, 217] IHC-Free Bio-Rad MCA341GA [218, 219] IHC-P MilliporeSigma A2547 [220, 221] IHC-P Invitrogen MN1020 [222, 223] IHC-P Abcam ab20034 [224, 225] IHC-P Bio-Rad MCA341R [226, 227] IHC-P Novus Biologicals NB100-105 [228, 229] IHC-P Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-56 [230, 231] IHC-P BioLegend 803001 [232, 233] IHC-P Dianova DIA-H09 [234, 235] IHC-P R&D Systems MAB1420 [236, 237] IHC-P Abnova H00029978-M03 [238, 239] IHC-P Enzo Life Sciences BML-PW8810-0100 [240, 241] IHC-P Miltenyi Biotec 130-090-422 [242, 243] IHC-P Active Motif 39649 [244, 245] IHC-P GeneTex GTX20029 [246, 247] IHC-P ImmunoStar 22941 [248, 249] IHC-P LifeSpan Biosciences LS-B6138 [250, 251] IHC-P OriGene CF500641 [252, 253] IP MilliporeSigma F1804 [254, 255] IP Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-40 [256, 257] IP Invitrogen R960-25 [258, 259] IP BioLegend 901503 [260, 261] IP Abcam ab18181 [262, 263] IP Novus Biologicals NB100-105 [264, 265] IP Enzo Life Sciences ADI-SPA-830-D [266, 267] IP OriGene TA50011-100 [268, 269] IP Abnova H00001859-M01 [270, 271] IP Bio-Rad MCA1396 [272, 273] IP LifeSpan Biosciences LS-C103482 [274, 275] IP R&D Systems MAB25031 [276, 277] PLA BioLegend 802801 [278, 279] PLA MilliporeSigma T6199 [280, 281] PLA OriGene TA800301 [282, 283] PLA Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-56 [284, 285] RIP Abcam ab56919 [286, 287] RIP Invitrogen 32-4800 [288, 289] RIP MilliporeSigma F1804 [290, 291] RIP Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-32301 [292, 293] WB MilliporeSigma A5441 [294, 295] WB Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-47778 [296, 297] WB Abcam ab8245 [298, 299] WB Invitrogen AM4300 [300, 301] WB Novus Biologicals NB100-105 [302, 303] WB BioLegend 803001 [304, 305] WB HUABIO EM21002 [306, 307] WB Enzo Life Sciences BML-PW8810-0100 [308, 309] WB Abnova H00008878-M01 [310, 311] WB Synaptic Systems 104 211 [312, 313] WB GeneTex GTX627408 [314, 315] WB Bio-Rad MCA1360 [316, 317] WB StressMarq Biosciences SMC-100B [318, 319] WB R&D Systems MAB1536 [320, 321] WB Miltenyi Biotec 130-092-395 [322, 323] WB Rockland Immunochemicals 200-301-400 [324, 325] WB Active Motif 39763 [326, 327] WB OriGene TA50011-100 [328, 329] WB EnCor Biotechnology MCA-1D4 [330, 331] WB Hytest 5G4-6C5 [332, 333] WB ImmunoStar 22941 [334, 335] WB Sino Biological 100005-MM01 [336, 337] WB LifeSpan Biosciences LS-B4372 [338, 339] Table 4. The most cited mouse monoclonal antibodies from different suppliers for different immunological methods and their references, based on a survey of formal publications in Labome\'s Validated Antibody Database, as of April 20, 2021. Publications are limited to those published since 2014. Only one mouse monoclonal antibody from each supplier is listed for each method. Mouse antibody isotypingThe isotype and subclass for a mouse antibody can be determined by specific anti-heavy chain constant region antibodies, usually through ELISA or flow cytometry, with appropriate isotype controls. These isotyping kits are available in different formats from many different suppliers. One of the most cited isotyping kits in the literature is AbDSerotec MMT1, see the isotyping kit. Mouse antibody molecular weightAn immunoglobulin molecule has two heavy chains and two light chains, linked together with intrachain and interchain disulfide bonds (with exceptions). In human IgA2, the heavy and light chains are not linked with disulfide bonds. Heavy chains for IgA, IgD, and IgG have a constant region with three immunoglobulin (Ig) domains. For example, mouse IgA heavy chain constant region has 344 amino acid, and mouse IgG1 constant region has 324 amino acids. Other types of heavy chains may have a different number of immunoglobulin domains. For example, secreted and membrane-bound IgD heavy chain constant regions have two Ig domains (see Uniprot P01881 and P01882). Heavy chains for IgE and IgM have a constant region with four immunoglobulin domains. Mouse IgM heavy chain constant region has 475 amino acids. Heavy chains from all isotypes have a variable region with a single immunoglobulin domain. Each immunoglobulin domain is about 110 amino acid long. Each IgD and IgG heavy chain is about 450 amino acids, and each IgE and IgM heavy chain is about 550 amino acids. Each light chain (either kappa or lambda) has one constant immunoglobulin domain and one variable immunoglobulin domain, and is about 211 to 217 amino acids. The common IgG isotypes have a molecular weight of 150 KD. Under the reducing condition, each heavy chain is about 50 KD and each light chain is about 25 KD. IgM tends to exist in pentamer or hexamer form, where IgM molecules are covalently linked through disulfide bonds, which give rise to a molecular weight of 970 KD. Since immunoglobulins are glycosylated, the apparent molecular weights may differ, sometimes significantly, from the nominal molecular weights. Mouse antibody production The mouse is the predominant animal host for monoclonal antibody production and also a host for polyclonal antibody generation. While typical mouse monoclonal antibody production involves immunizing mice (often BALB/c mice, for example [340, 341] ) with foreign antigens along with the commonly used Freund adjuvant [340] or the new, water-soluble QuickAntibody [342], mouse monoclonal hybridoma can also be obtained directly by fusion of unimmunized spleen cells from a specific mouse strain with auto-antibodies, as in the case of anti-SM Y12 antibodies [343]. Other strains such as C57BL/6 [340, 344], NMRI, C3H, and SJL, and other adjuvants like Chitosan, LQ, or incomplete Freund\'s adjuvant, and evan cells overexpressing an immunogen [344], can also be used [345]. Genetically engineered mouse strain can also be used as the host to develop specific antibodies, for example, an IgG monoclonal antibody with high binding specificity against GM3 ganglioside was developed through beta3Gn-T5 knockout mice [346]. As of April 20, 2021, Labome database lists 259335 mouse monoclonal antibodies against 12100 human genes, 7227 mouse genes, 6522 rat genes and a total of 11209 genes from other 153 species. Please note, due to rebranding (see a discussion about rebranding here), other databases may cite higher available numbers. However, Labome has the only database that strives to reduce the number of rebranded antibody products. For any antibody not available from suppliers or researchers, companies or core laboratories, for example, Antibody Production Services (APS Ltd) [344] and Innovagen [347], can custom-produce as fee-for-service. Labome surveys the literature to develop Validated Antibody Database. Table 4 lists some of the most commonly cited mouse monoclonal antibodies among the articles Labome has curated. The most cited mouse antibody is likely to be the actin clone AC-15, which is commonly used as a western blot loading control. Anti-mouse gene antibodiesThe mouse is also a widely used research model, and many antibodies against mouse genes are available. As of April 20, 2021, Labome antibody database lists 107373 monoclonal antibodies against 8662 mouse genes, and 102172 polyclonal antibodies against 13566 mouse genes (see a summary of antibodies against mouse genes).Antibodies against all these genes can be searched and compared at Labome website, for example, antibodies against mouse p53, mouse albumin, mouse cd31, mouse cd20, and mouse c-myc. Anti-mouse secondary antibodiesMost monoclonal antibodies are generated in mice. It is common to use anti-mouse secondary antibodies. Labome survey on secondary antibodies indicates that goat anti-mouse secondary antibodies are the most common choices. On the right panel of that webpage, you can see links to secondary antibodies against different mouse isotypes and light chains. A point of concern is when a mouse antibody and an anti-mouse secondary antibody are used on mouse tissues. The secondary antibody tends to also recognize endogenous mouse immunoglobulins and generates a high background. This endogenous immunoglobulins should be blocked and saturated by a block reagent, such as an F(ab) fragment of an anti-mouse secondary antibody. Commercial kits, like \"Mouse on Mouse” Blocking Reagent from Vector Laboratories (MKB-2213 [348] or BMK-2202 [349] ) or AffiniPure Fab fragment Donkey antimouse IgG from Biozol (JIM-715-007-003) [340], can accomplish this. Humanized antibodies from transgenic miceOne of the important methods for generating humanized antibodies is through the immunization of transgenic mice with part of a human immunoglobulin genomic sequence. 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